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Digital Nuance | There's a Bit of Nuance in All of Us


Marketing Perspective of an Influencer


On my social media platforms I do not follow any influencers. However, I belong to a community of trendsetters, early adopters, product-junkies, storytellers, and brand enthusiasts with a knack for telling it like it is, the good, the bad, and the ugly. All this to help consumers find the next best product. Yes, I am an influencer.

Using regular people to market a product is genius. Why is this marketing tactic so great? By having “regular” people to use your product and tell others what they think about it makes the product review more believable. Your potential customers are more likely to buy the product that is being shown because the review, ad or post is made by people just like them.

Influenster marketing is about getting an influencer to share your product or service with their followers. There are many ways they can go about doing this. Influensters employ an array of marketing strategies.

  1. One of the more common methods influencers use to market a product is sponsored content. Sponsored content is a social media post that contains an advertisement for a product or service.

  2. Offering discounts are another great way influencers are marketing to their followers. Influencer discounts are a powerful tool. These discounts are tracked using referral links.

  3. Contests are one of my favorite ways to attract consumers to a product or brand. Who doesn’t love to get free stuff? No one that I know of that’s for sure. Influencer contest and giveaways draw tons of attention and have to potential to reach thousands of people.

It takes a lot to convince others to change their point of view or their way of thinking. An influencer needs to have a combination of the following aspects: reach, contextual credibility, and salesmanship. Those three things can determine the potential of an influencer.

The use of marketing perspective impacts the relationship between companies and their consumers by allowing the consumer to become exposed to the company’s product through videos or post uploaded by people the consumer follows on social media platforms.


Influenster. 2021. Influenster.

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