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Hasbro vs. Mattel


Hasbro and Mattel are two of the world’s most iconic competitors. These two companies have been making children’s toys for decades. Mattel has been known globally for toys like Barbie, Hot Wheels, and American Girl Dolls. While Hasbro has in its hands the likes of iconic toys such as Play Dough, Nerf Guns, and GI Joe. Both companies have created their own strategy for branding that has helped make them billions each year.

Mattel takes great pride in its products. This is why the focus of their marketing campaigns and branding reflect the value that is put into each one of their products. Mattel uses nothing but high-quality parts to build its toys. Yet, they still sell their merchandise and an affordable price. By offering some of its merchandise exclusively online the company is able to save money on its distribution cost. Two of Mattel’s biggest product lines are Barbie and American Girl. Barbie has been around for decades and is marketed through the selling of dolls, movies, and games. and clothing lines. While American Girl has its own stores which allow customers to bring in their dolls for tea parties, visit a doctor, or get a makeover.

Due to creating product lines that have expanded at an alarming rate over the years, Hasbro has been able to maintain top dog status over the last few decades. The first company to release action figures, play doctor kits, and board games Hasbro markets its products to school-aged children through advertisements. Collaborating with television shows and movies has helped the company to release licensed products which has given Hasbro the upper hand over its competition.

In order to gain an upper hand over its competition, Mattel must expand its product line by collaborating with top entertainment companies. According to a CNBC article, “Mattel is looking to expand into digital gaming and film making to create a new way for consumers to experience the brand (Whitten, 2022).” Mattel is also in the process of creating a live-action Barbie film that features actress Margot Robbie.

It’s hard to tell which brand consumers prefer due to their wide product variety, and longevity. Children who are movie buffs will most likely be attracted to Hasbro while those who love Barbie will be drawn to Mattel. In terms of board games, there is no contest as Hasbro is the clear winner in this category.


Whitten, S. (2022, February 19). Mattel looks to movies, digital gaming, and NFTs for its Next Leg of Growth CNBC. Retrieved October 2, 2022, from

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